Thursday, September 16, 2010

:::Metro Song:::

The guy that did the Arlington Rap just posted a new video about riding our beloved Metro, and it's awesome.

Mom and Auntie, I will post later about the inside jokes so you can laugh as well.


michelle said...

That was awesome.

I've never ridden the DC Metro, but it looks awfully similar to the Paris one...

Sheans said...

I love it.

how can you have BO at 8:30 in the morning? It's a question we've all asked ourselves.

Jill said...

That was great, I love that guy! My only Metro experiences have been in Paris and they definitely have their system figured out.

WinnyNinny PooPoo said...

haved used Cleveland & New York City public transport systems, some of the problems are the same. Luved the part about no texting while driving.