Saturday, July 9, 2011

:::Today Is the First Day of the Rest of My Life...:::

...for the next three or four year chunk of time.

Today is my first day of unemployment. Hip, hip, hurray! I cried a little saying goodbye to all of my friends yesterday, but in the end my departure was free from any deep emotions. I always imagined that I'd be full of weepy nostalgia as I rode the elevators one last time, or walked through the doors one last time. Passed the hot dog cart one last time or took a cab or road the metro home one last get the picture. What really happened was that I walked out of the building and went across the street to Macy's to exchange some nylons. The building, not my building. None of that is mine anymore, and thank heavens for that.

So, goodbye to my dear friends, and here's to those who've treated me well...

and all the rest can go know.


Jill said...

Hooray!!!!!!! I'm excited for you to move on to a new chapter in your life. I think it's hilarious that you returned nylons after leaving your job!

Rebekah said...

Exchanged! One of my 2011 resolutions was to find nude nylons that I liked. I am conversely in and out of love with the idea.

Sheans said...

I am so excited for your move. Seriously. I am going to come visit you. Honestly. I really really am. Plus, Paul wants to move to Texas. So I might move next to you. Just FYI.