2. being in a family.
3. seeing corn double its size in under a week.

4. giving buddy his 'omus pime'.

5. talking about things unrelated to work.
6. making problems all better. i printed this picture off for scott, and ten minutes later he came back to me bawling his eyes out because the terror, er, molly, had nearly ripped it in half.

so i printed out two new pictures. problem solved, no more tears.

7. seeing the kids be lulled to sleep in their car seats.

8. being able to talk to my mom in person again.
9. taking multiple self-portraits.

10. spoiling.

11. kissing boo-boos, real and imagined.

13. hearing scott call my sister 'muther'.
14. watching my sister adeptly do sophie's hair in the morning. the traditions of 'lean forward!', tight pony tails, and mandatory ribbons continue.

15. finding that i could still rock a baby to sleep, carrying sleeping kids in from the car.

11. becoming a stage mom during sophie's play, being agressive about photos.

13. the fact that the kids were always so excited to talk to me, tell me things, share things with me.
14. getting snacks and drinks for them. i love feeding children.

15. playing. scott came up to me at random points and yelled, 'scottie attack!', then would tickle me for a few seconds before yelling, 'auntie bekah attack!', and run away expecting quick reciprocation.
16. being loved so much.
and that's the end of texas.
Such a great trip. Great photos... You're a fun one!
What wonderful memories you're making with those little ones. :)
There are so many great things about your trip! I love the way you've documented your relationships and moments.
We should meet there more often. I miss being part of a family too.
The boy has your eyes Beka!
PS You are a wonderful Aunti, isn't it fun! Just ask me I will tell you. You will always be proud of them and love them in away you never knew possible. Their lives will always be important to you and you will always be there for them when they want to share something with you....you will be so excited for them. And....when your babies come...they will still be just as important to you. When they have babies....you will wonder where the time went and all of these memories will come right back to you reaffirming your love for them and theirs.
We all do love you so much and wish that we saw you more often. Pocket is on my lap pointing to the pictures and calling out all of your names.
Fabulous list. There's nothing quite like going home to your family!
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