it was thrilling to be in suburbia again because i knew i could find anything i wanted. isn't that strange? people are always saying that they want to live in cities because cities have everything. cities do offer many things, but suburbia wins hands down when it comes to items for everyday living.
target was a must do for this trip. wait, let me rephrase that, super target was a must do for this trip. as soon as i passed through those automatic doors and saw groceries on my right hand, clothes on my left hand, and home good down the middle, my soul was at ease. you never know how much you've missed home until you cross that friendly threshold again.

look at all those checkout stations! truly, don't take your super target for granted.
sarah, sophie and i all had a fun time throwing things in my cart that i thought i would need over the course of the next year. among other things, i ended up with 5 pairs of shoes and the cutest purse for only $5 in their amazing purse clearance aisle.
in the shoes aisle i put on the hot little numbers below and asked sophia if she thought i should buy them. her resounding reply was, 'yes!', but i decided they weren't the most practical shoes for someone who commutes on foot.

dollar store
there was a very good dollar store next to this super target where i found a lot of cute gift bags in vibrant pastels, rolls of clear cellophane, and some other items. i thought these flip flops were cute, but they didn't have my size.

in the end, i bought more than a few roles of cellophane. in order to make it all fit in my extra suitcase, i had to unroll all the tubes, then carefully fold it. i should be good for the next little while now...

target, uno mas
the night we dropped my mom at the airport we stopped by a newer super target on the way back to the house. everyone, including this shopping averse blogger, knows that no two target clearance aisles are the same, so all the super targets in your surrounding area must be regularly searched (the same rule applies to tj maxx and marshalls).

i thought that another joyous super target foray warranted a self-portrait.

look at these adorable umbrellas, just look at them. i purchased the light green one with blue polka dots on the top row. i also left with another pair of shoes that i will wear at my firm's big anniversary party next year (i told you i meant business), and...some other stuff. ha! it's all a blur now.

i'm not sure if this is a target wide thing now, but this store had the most delicious mango smoothies. i love things like this, little fun treats you know about at your favorite destinations, little inexpensive pick-me-ups to liven the monotony of life. suburbia, i'm telling you. it's where it's at.
flagship neiman marcus
the day we were in dallas, we drove by the flagship neiman marcus. i had no idea the first store was in texas. we didn't go in to shop, but i did get this fantastic, top-secret chocolate chip cookie recipe from a nice old lady outside...

home goods
i've saved the best two store for last. i have heard many marvelous things about home goods, so when we drove past it one day, i demanded that we go back later. my sister, mom, and i went one night without the kids, and i was absolutely floored by how amazing this store is. it's owned by tj maxx, and is an entire store filled with wonderful, well, home goods.

do you understand how fantastic this is?! instead of rifling through a few disorganized aisles at the back of the store, it's a full-sized retail space of furniture, linens, dinnerware, lamps, stationery, vases, oh my, i can't breathe.
when we walked in the door my eyes were darting in a million different directions. so much to buy, so little space in my suitcase. i seriously thought about buying one of these perfectly hued yellow furniture pieces and shipping it back to dc, but common sense

and they had the most beautiful rugs! look how nicely organized they are, instead of rolled up and dumped in the middle of an aisle, as per usual.

and these lamps...i had one in my cart, i was going to ship it back, but the Spirit whispered, 'not now, dear, not now.'

hobby lobby
and now...hobby lobby. we went to two different stores. the first time my sister dropped me off and went to a primary activity. when she came back more than an hour later i hadn't even been through half of the store yet. the second i stayed for much longer and still had to speed walk through the last half. they just have everything that you could ever want. beyond the standard crafting fair, which they have loads and loads of, they have the best home decor items.

look at these monograms. how adorable are they? i bought one that is a square black frame with a ribbon hanging, and the inside is a piece of glass with my initial painted on it. too cute for words.

i discovered a deep love for houndstooth on this trip, so i had to buy the green houndstooth takeout container near the middle. sadly, i left it in texas...

i also walked out with one of these monogrammed candles for myself and my sister, and a cart p-a-c-k-e-d with other wonderful finds, mostly spools and spools of half-price ribbon. it's almost a good thing i don't live near a hobby lobby, as i would sink entire paychecks there at a time. as we were walking through one of the aisles i told my mom, 'i would have so many hobbies if i lived near a hobby lobby.' annual visits are probably for the better.
shopping shouldn't make me this happy, but on this occasion it did. we had some lovely shopping days in texas and i wish i could do this every year. the big shop is just a wonderful experience.
I lived by a HomeGoods in Colo Springs and I used to go there every single day just to be among all the home goodness. I actually ached when I saw the picture you took of the store.
I am so glad you took all of these pictures. Looking at them brought back so many memories. And by the way, I don't remember nixing the tables.
maybe you nixed the lamps and the Spirit nixed the tables...
In Syracuse, Home Goods is inside Marshalls, so it was always kind of a shopping dream come true for me. Does that mean that TJ Maxx and Marshalls are owned by the same company?
Fun post!
How fun to have tax return money and an empty suitcase to fill with such fun shopping purchases!
and this my dear you get from me.....a sense of shop, shop, shop! i love it! i was a little giddy with all the containers...that is my down fall!
I dont know why people go anywhere but Hobby Lobby. It's the promised land. I'm so glad that you loved it.
And, I love that they're closed on Sunday. Love that.
Oh, man. I guess you do have a point about suburbia. SuperTarget, HomeGoods, and Hobby Lobby, a perfect shopping trifecta!
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