On Saturday I got on a plane and flew to Texas for a one week vacation. The flight was smooth sailing the whole way. I got an aisle seat, sat next to a woman who slept the entire time, and bought a cheese and cracker tray. I am easy to please.
As a point of interest, many aisle seats on planes have arm rests that can be raised. Did you know that? There's a little silver button on the inside of the arm towards that back that unlocks the arm and allows you to push it up. Very useful information that I figured out through observation and trial and error.
As soon as Sarah and Don and the kids picked me up from the airport we went to Taco Bell (oh, how I miss it), then drove to the Dallas Arboretum.

It is a beautiful and well thought out space filled with flowers, trees and a lot of greenery. The kids had fun looking at all of the storybook houses that were on display, but the main attractions were anything that had to do with water.

This giant frog was a favorite of everyone.

And so was this little pond, as well as these cool waterfalls.

It turns out Scott can take some pretty decent pictures. Sarah is going to print out the photos he took there and display them as part of their primary talent show.

I had to photograph my Keens in the first outdoor/rugged environment I've ever worn them in.

They're as ugly as original sin, but truly are the best shoes ever.

I had the brilliant idea to rent a wagon for $5 so the kids could sit down if they got tired. I thought it was funny that most of the time they didn't want to be in the wagon, but would rather be walking around. Kids. Towards the end though when their little feet started dragging we were glad that we got it.

We followed a few paths and wound around the grounds for awhile just looking at different plants and watching the kids play in every water feature they could get to.

This koi pond wasn't my favorite. Do these fish scare anyone else? I don't know what it is about them, but they have frightened me since I was a little girl.

Unfoooortunately, I didn't get to take all the pictures I wanted. Turns out that when you're watching three wandering and active children (even with three adults) you don't have much time to contemplate and set up photos. Who knew?

We also saw four or five brides there taking wedding photos. Sophie loved looking at them, and I couldn't help wondering how incredibly hot they must have been in their heavy satin dresses, thick makeup, and petticoats on.
When we couldn't take the heat anymore we finally left and went to Sonic (yes!), then headed home. I'm really happy to be here, but I'm dreading going back to DC because I think I've finally reached my limit. I just feel done. This is going to be the hardest return I've ever made.
beautiful gardens, beautiful photos, and beautiful children!
I'm sorry, but those kids are just freaking adorable. They have the most infectious smiles.
I feel like you should move to Dallas. And I should move there too. Yes? Ok.
I'm glad your flight was enjoyable, that sort of thing really helps make a trip better.
This place looks gorgeous! I love places like this and have a hard time keeping my face out of my camera.
I think those shoes are pretty cute. One question, do your feet get sweaty in them? That's always my fear when going sockless in anything but flip flops.
So you're done with living in D.C.?
I've never had a sweat problem with them and I have had sweaty foot problems with going sockless before. I really love these shoes. I have such problem feet -- wide, large, flat -- and they've never bothered me.
Oh, DC...I just don't know.
Great photos. I think your Keens are cute! I too have problem feet -- very wide and flat.
I do love Taco Bell, but hardly ever go there. No one else likes it but me.
It was so beautiful! We miss you!!!
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