Holy Hannah...
There is a lot of snow out there. Yikes.
I went out early this morning while it was still snowing and took these photos. It snowed steadily throughout the day, and man, did it pile up during that time. I'll be sure and take some more photos tomorrow. Even though they've been plowing non. stop. (I think scraping the alley at 3:30 am might have been overkill, boys), there is still at least 2 inches of hard pack snow and ice covering every single inch of the roads. For the most part, the sidewalks are a lost cause.

Surveying things tonight I have to say that the accumulation of snow is beautiful and overwhelming. Tree limbs are burdened to the ground with snow and all of the row houses look like gingerbread houses. It's as if someone dumped a million gallons of icing all over us. As I was walking back home I saw one man who was shoveling out his Prius and dumping all the snow around his neighbor's car. Ha! That's a way to make fast friends.

Church has been canceled for the second time in two weeks. Yippee! I miss my nursery kids, and I miss the regularity of going, but it's always fun to have something officially canceled. I'll be out early tomorrow morning to take more photos before I settle in for my traditional
4-hour-food-aversion-Fast-Sunday nap. Unless Fast Sunday has been canceled too...hmm...Probably not ;)


I loooooooove things being cancelled. It makes me feel so entitled to laziness.
I don't think we've ever had church canceled before!
I'm glad you went out and took pictures, these are beautiful!
I LOVE thing being canceled. I enjoy going to church, but if it was canceled, it seems like it would be an unexpected treat -- free time or something.
Those poor trees!
I like the image of being dumped on with royal icing, that seems pretty accurate.
I heard a story on NPR about the ethics of snow removal!
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