part of the reason i get so jazzed up about conference is that i know i'll be told everything i need to do in order to lead a happy and fulfilling life, and everything i need to become in order to be more Christlike. how nice is that? not that i will be anywhere near perfect by monday, but i will know more, and because of that, i can do more and become more. conference is a perfectly packaged weekend of inspiration, guidance, love, and kinship that i wish the whole world would participate in. to borrow a quote from President Monson, it is like "crystal clear water to a parched earth." by the time all four sessions are done, i always realize that i was much thirstier than i previously thought.
the only sad thing about this weekend is that i still miss President Hinckley so much. he was everything i ever wanted to be in life, and i just miss checking in with him every six months. i always felt that when he was speaking we were having a personal conversation, and i really miss that now.

nevertheless, i am still so excited that i can barely stand it. i've been talking about conference for weeks, and looking forwards to it for months. i can't wait to sit in my room and just listen and relax and plan for the future.
what are your plans for this weekend? what do you usually do? are you going to eat anything special? work on any projects during conference? do something in between sessions? i think i'll make pioneer woman's yogurt cream with some strawberries, and i hope to have some kind of rote project like cutting or gluing something to work on during the saturday sessions. excitement!

i'm looking forward to all of the speakers, but i'm really hoping to hear from...
Sister Julie Beck, Relief Society General President, who's "mother's who know" talk revolutionized my life...

Sister Cheryl Lant, Primary General President...

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, who i love...

President Boyd K. Packer...

and Elder Richard G. Scott, always...

it's almost here! only two more days!
I do miss him. Now I'm crying. I do love that man, truly with my whole heart.
And I love everyone else you showed pictures of. They're all so sincere! I wish that I was that sincere. I should make that my new goal in life. Less flippancy and more sincerity.
We should all be more sincere. I think sarcastic remarks are too present in our conversations. I love Pres. Hinkley. Look at that smile. Let's think of him smiling on us now and still calling us to "put our shoulder to the wheel and push along".
Now I'm crying. I will have raccoon eyes since I have eylelashes again and wear mascara.
I'm glad you're back to being a posting kind of girl.
I'm looking forward to Henry B. Eyring--for some reason he's always the one that says what U really need to hear.
This year I will be watching via the internet and introducing baby P to the joys of conference. I miss the days of being able to actually go to conference in person though. Being in that building with all of those other saints and with all of those powerhouses of faith always brought a tear to my eye and made me proud to be a part of something so great.
Come to SF and I will make you brunch while we watch conference! Just like the good old days...
I love how you said that, we never do know how thirsty we are until after we drink. You are such a great writer.
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