my heart is full right now as i think of my Savior. i love Him. i revere Him. i will never be able to repay Him.
i have always been struck by the mortal life of Jesus Christ and the fact that it was, by every means, winding down to those final, horrific, 24 hours. every footstep He took, every lesson He taught, every kind word he spoke, every unselfish act in this existence, and before mortality began, led Him to tonight. as an unblemished lamb and the perfect Son of God, He offered Himself as a sacrifice for the sins of the world. He was betrayed, beaten, then savagely hung on a cross. and still, His heart was full of love.
"And behold, this is the whole meaning of the law, every whit pointing to that great and last sacrifice; and that great and last sacrifice will be the Son of God, yeah, infinite and eternal (Alma 34:14)."
i want you to know, that i know that this is not just a story, that this is not merely a myth. the Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten of the Father, lived and died to ransom each one of our imperfect souls. with no thought of glory or personal gain, He willingly took up His cross and bore the full weight of justice in order to open the gates of mercy and let salvation flow in.

'None Were With Him,' by Elder Holland was by far my favorite address from conference. you can watch it from this page, or read the text here. i think it is especially appropriate tonight as we head into these final days of this sacred season.
I thank my Heavenly Father, and my Savior Jesus Christ, for the endless joy of a triumphant of Easter morning.
What a beautiful testimony, Rebekah.
We had an Easter family home evening last night (don't ask) and I wonder how much my children understand about this glorious Easter season.
I love your testimony!
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