ours is not a secondhand religion. we need to get off the sidelines and practice what we preach.
(i'm finding President Uchtdorf to be very motivational in his messages).

we must not shy away from teaching the unique things found in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

because Jesus walked alone, we don't have to. don't abandon Him now, even when the cross is difficult to bear, even unto death.
(i feel like Elder Holland has such a keen understanding of and love for the lonely, the downtrodden, and the outcast. after this particular talk, i also felt how much more beloved the Lord was to Heavenly Father, and how proud of Him Heavenly Father must have been when the Savior completed the atonement. my mind went to the Sacred Grove when God and Jesus appeared to Joseph Smith, and Heavenly Father introduced Jesus as Hid beloved Son. i can only imagine how much more beloved the Savior was to Him at that point.)

Afternoon Session

no outside copying of our organization could duplicate the record of our church or the service of our people.
dress modestly!!!
love and service connect us to our covenants. quoting Mother Teresa, "we can do no great things, only small things with great joy."
go to church each week with the intent of being active.

(i feel like Elder Bednar is so good at laying out the scriptures and clearly telling us what they mean for our modern lives. i always feel a little guilty for not seeing things so clearly on my own.)

a personal space for gospel study. are the conversations at the dinner table uplifting and without contention. homes should be neat and orderly, a house of glory, a house of order. there is a righteous unity between the home and the temple. the temple draws us to home, and righteous homes draw us to the temple.

advances in many areas that could be used for good can also be used to speed us down an evil path.
we each need to be grateful for the blessings that come into our lives because of the gospel.
pray for the him and for the general authorities.
what i did:
before the morning session started i continued to organize my room. my friend christina came by a few minutes before it started to give me two palm fronds...

at breakfast she said she was going to Palm Sunday mass, and i begged her to bring me some back. thanks, christina! i especially loved having them to look at as Elder Uchtdorf spoke about Palm Sunday and the Savior's entry into Jerusalem.
i finally was finally able to go through my goodwill pile and found many things that i had tossed out in haste.

in between sessions i continued to organize my room, then i took a much needed nap. now it's 9 p.m., and even though i don't feel emotionally or physically feel like i did a lot of work today, it astonishes me to look around and see how drastically things have changed since i started on saturday morning. i feel that as soon as i admitted that i let march and february fall by the wayside, the Lord renewed my efforts and committment to work, and sped me along my way this weekend.
i can't believe conference is over. it went by so quickly to me, and i'm sad that tomorrow i have to go back out there to work and the frustrating situations i find myself in. but, i will try to take heart. we received so many wonderful and true teachings this weekend and i pledge to make permanent changes in my life.
I love reading other people's notes! It's interesting how different things jump out to each of us. Cool palm fronds.
I wanna see a picture of Molly. I want a Molly post. Please.
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