I think PDFs would have to go on my top 10 list of favorite things ever. What a cracker jack idea that was.
I spent most of my evening tonight saving and printing a host of free label templates from different design blogs. Not only were they adorable, but they were fuh-ree! Now this is an addiction I can almost indulge in guilt free.

I love the blogging era. Talented people are so kind and generous with their skills, from designing fonts, to posting how-to's, to giving tips and sharing pictures. There are so many things on the internet that people are sharing.
Sometimes I feel completely overwhelmed by all of the projects that I want to make, the fonts I need to download, the templates I can't wait to print out, etc., but I just love looking at pretty things. I have a large folder on my computer of images that I've saved from different blogs and websites over time. It's so full of lovely pictures that it's like a treasure chest to me, and it's completely free! This collection not only satiates my urge to buy things, but it has also helped me define my style preferences.
Everybody wins with the internet. Well, unless you're still waiting to hear back from the deposed King of Nigeria.
That's a whole lot of label goodness you've got going on. I could spend the entire day on the internet (and sometimes do)!
You're right. There are soooooo many worthy projects to take on. It's hard to narrow it down. I'm not good at it.
AMen!! Love your labels.
We need 'lovely' in our lives. That' one thing about your pictures that makes me smile...loveliness!
You and your crafty projects!
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