"I’ve often thought, and I’ve said to my own children, that those parents who kept going past Chimney Rock and past Martin’s Cove (and sometimes didn’t get farther than that) and those little graves that are dotted all across the historic landscape of this Church—they didn’t do that for a program, they didn’t do it for a social, they did it because the faith of the gospel of Jesus Christ was in their soul, it was in the marrow of their bones. That’s the only way those mothers could bury that baby in a breadbox and move on and say, “The promised land is out there somewhere. We’re going to make it to the valley.”
Well, that’s because of covenants and doctrine and faith and revelation and spirit. If we can keep that in our families and in the Church, maybe a lot of other things start to take care of themselves. Maybe a lot of other things sort of fall off the wagon. I’m told those handcarts could only take so much. They had to choose what they took. And maybe the 21st century will drive us to decide, “What can we put on this handcart?” It’s the substance of our soul; it’s the stuff right down in the marrow of our bones. We’ll have blessed family and Church if we can cling to the revelations."
Worldwide Leadership Conference, February, 2008

I wonder if I've made enough forward motion in my life to mirror the efforts of the pioneers. While our physical tasks are different, I think that in spirit they are the same. I could be doing more to bring the kingdom forward. I could be sacrificing more and focusing more on the faith. Thankfully, that doesn't mean that I've given up, but that I'm still on the road. If there ever isn't more to do, it means I've given up.
What a beautiful quote from Elder Holland! I love the image of things falling off the wagon. I wonder what will prove to be in the marrow of my bones...
"What's in my wagon?" I will have to remember that, put it on a card at work, in the car, etc. I know I need to dump a lot of stuff on the side of the trail.
I have learned to appreciate those early members, to love them and to honor them.
While driving across SD this summer in a comfortable car at 55 mph I crossed the Missouri River. The first thing I thought of was all the history that took place on and near that grand old river. I thought of the beautiful bridge that spans it. And then I thought of the pioneers
and how different their crossings were. God Bless them...
What a great quote.
I'm using that quote tomorrow as a spiritual thought in a meeting. It is incredible.
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