Friday, January 2, 2009

:::in the bleak midwinter:::

people are taking down their Christmas decorations and it feels like someone is ripping my heart out. can we all pretend we're Catholics and wait until Epiphany signals the official end of the Christmas season?

at least keep some lights up. for me. for anyone who is now faced with months of bleak weather with no lights, no wreaths, no shiny ornaments to brighten the dismal gray of winter.

say it's not over, friend.

as for me and my house, my lights are going to keep twinkling against the black night, cards filled with well wishes will stay taped to the wall for a few more weeks, and i might be humming 'good king wenceslas' until tulips poke their heads through the frozen crust of early spring earth.


Tracy said...

Oh how I agree with this post! I am sad that Christmas is over too!

MBC said...

Amen. I really think the tree lights in town should stay up until the end of February, just for morale.

RC said...

Your forget that Valentine's Day is just around the corner. Please start making the fortunes for the fortune cookies.